*F Coetzee Business Services *F Coetzee Besigheidsdienste
Doel van webtuiste
Die hoofdoel van die webtuiste is om belastingbetalers regoor Suid-Afrika, spesifiek salaristrekkers, se belastingopgawes namens hulle in te dien en ook die verifikasieproses (oudit) van SARS af te handel.
Purpose of website
The main purpose of the website is to file taxpayers tax returns across South Africa, specifically people who earn salaries on behalf of them and to complete the verification process (audit) of SARS.
Who We Are
Meer oor ons
F Coetzee Besigheidsdienste het ontstaan op 1 Februarie 2010. Na 8 jaar se bestaan het ons meer as 600 kliënte op ons efiling profiel. Ons behoort aan die professionele ligaam SAIT (Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut vir Belastingpraktisyns), een van die liggame wat SARS (Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens) belastingpraktisyns verplig om van deel te wees, alvorens 'n fooi gehef kan word vir die indien van belastingopgawes.
About us
F Coetzee Business Services was established on 1 February 2010. After 8 years of existance, we have over 600 customers on our eFiling profile. We are a member of the professional body SAIT (South African Institute of Tax Practitioners), one of the bodies which SARS (South African Revenue Service), require tax practitioners to be part of before a fee may be charged for the filing of tax returns.