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Ons help graag met u belasting

Belasting probleme?


Agter met u belastingopgawes?


Verskaf u belasting u slapelose nagte?


Dan kan ons help!


Volg net die instruksies onder die instruksie hofie en u probleme is opgelos.

We would like to help with your taxes
Ons dienste / Our services


Voltooiing van belastingopgawes en afhandeling van verifikasies (oudits) / Completion of tax returns and completion of verifications (audits)


Opstel van finansiële state /

Preparation of financial statements


Registrasies van maatskappye /

Registrations of companies


Registrasies vir werkloosheidsversekering en ongevalle versekering /

Registrations for unemployment insurance and casualty insurance


BTW opgawes en registrasies /

VAT returns and registrations


​LBS opgawes en registrasies /

PAYE returns and registrations


Tax problems?


Are you in arrears with your tax returns?


Does your tax provide you with sleepless nights?


Then we can help!


Follow the instructions under the the heading Instructions and your problems are solved.

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